News & Notes


         At any time.........

Call the Plan Administrative Manager, Renee Bossone, in Fund office at 203-375-6088.

Visit Aetna’s website at, to find a medical or dental provider, locate Urgent Care Centers or Walk-in Clinics near you, or to get discount info.

Call Aetna at 866-658-2455 for any medical or claim questions or concerns.

Contact Aetna’s Employee Assistance Program  (EAP) 


Log In: local145
Password: EAP

Dial 988 for immediate mental health support
When you need the police, fire department or an ambulance, you know to call 911. Now a new number, 988, is available for non-urgent and emergency mental health concerns.

The goal of 988 is to reduce suicide attempts and deaths by suicide and provide individuals and their friends and families access to immediate mental health support.

988 is available if you’re having thoughts of suicide, feeling emotional distress or struggling with substance misuse. 988 is also available if you have concerns about someone else and need guidance, help or support. 

When dialing 988:

  • The call goes to a local crisis center
  • The caller is connected to a skilled and trained counselor
  • Counselors listen and provide personalized support, resources and help in a mental health emergency

988 is free and available 24/7/365This easy-to-remember number makes it simple to get the mental health support and help you need.



What is COBRA?

According the United States Department of Labor, COBRA (The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) gives workers and their families who lose their health benefits the right to choose to continue group helath benefits provided by their group helath plan for a limited period of time.

Local 145 Health Services & Insurance Plan offers COBRA benefits to all of its plan members should they need it. In some situations coverage ends because of a life event known as a "qualifying event." After a qualifying event, COBRA continuation coverage must be offered to each person who is a "qualified beneficiary." Under the Plan, qualified beneficiaries who elect COBRA continuation coverage must pay for the coverage in order for it to continue.

Qualifying Events:

  • Your hours of employment are reduced
  • Your employment ends for any reason other than your gross misconduct.

If you are the spouse of an employee, you will become a qualified beneficiary if you lose your coverage under the Plan because any of the following qualifying events happens:

  • Your spouse dies
  • Your spouse’s hours of employment are reduced
  • Your spouse’s employment ends for any reason other than his or her gross misconduct
  • Your spouse becomes entitled to Medicare benefits (under Part A, Part B, or both)
  • You become divorced or legally separated from your spouse.

Your dependent children will become qualified beneficiaries if they lose coverage under the Plan because any of the following qualifying events happens:

  • The parent-employee dies
  • The parent-employee’s hours of employment are reduced
  • The parent-employee’s employment ends for any reason other than his or her gross misconduct
  • The parent-employee becomes entitled to Medicare benefits (Part A, Part B, or both)
  • The parents become divorced or legally separated
  • The child stops being eligible for coverage under the plan as a “dependent child.”



Read the full COBRA Intial Notice document, "Contiuation Coverage Rights Under Cobra"

COBRA Rates - Per Month

(click picture above)